Grateful for our “Dying” Church

We are so grateful to have been a part of this little church family. All of us were either in our 80s, 70s, or 60s. Many among Evangelicals might have called us a “dying church”. And yet it was an answer to prayer to be a part of such a New Testament assembly.

It was so freeing to be simply brothers and sisters together; to have a true plurality of leadership; to have the brothers participate in the teaching and the leading of communion; to have the Bible as our standard of truth and not the opinions of anyone of us. We each had the freedom to participate. We each had the freedom to disagree. All of us were an active part of the Body of Christ at large through family and friends and fellowship and ministry and service.

The Body of Christ is a living organism and as such cells reproduce and die. Institutions that are set in stone may last longer but…

Even though the circumstances of life brought us to a point of dissolution, each of us will continue to fellowship with Jesus’ church. In eternity, I’m pretty sure age won’t mean much. It was a great blessing for us to fellowship together, regardless of age. Jesus builds His church.


Our Bible Teaching

We continue to have a rotation of brothers who teach the Bible on Sunday mornings, however we will no longer be recording and posting these messages.


We are moving toward a more informal format with more opportunity for participation in the discussion of God’s word as fellow Bereans (Acts 17:11).


You’re always welcome to visit or email us!

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